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The iHEAR team is made up of epidemiologists, psychiatrists, social scientists, psychologists and neuroimaging researchers.
Together, we are working to combine our knowledge and findings to better understand psychotic-like experiences in young people.
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MB BCh BAO, FRCPsych, MSc, PhD

Mary is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Professor of Psychiatric Research in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. She is a prominent and influential international researcher in the fields of psychosis and youth mental health research. Her work focuses on identifying young people who might be at risk of developing serious mental health difficulties to help guide early interventions with those young people at highest risk. She is one of the first researchers to have identified early psychotic-like experiences as one such risk marker. 


Through the iHEAR study, Mary aims to expand and integrate new knowledge about the nature and significance of psychotic-like experiences from across the fields of social science, epidemiology and neuroscience.    

Project Lead and Principal Investigator

iHEAR Team

Research Associates and Student Researchers

The work iHEAR has also been supported by a number of students and research associates who have contributed to the study. These include Ana Belen Calvo (research associate,  Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), Madrid, Spain), Donal Campbell (researcher), Isabel Cotter (student researcher), Niamh Dhondt (student researcher), Sean Madden (researcher),

Josen McGrane (research associate), Elena Roman (student researcher) and Erin Walton-Ball (student researcher)    

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